520446 Sno-Ball Without You (Mouse Dated 2001) 26.00
877433 May Your Christmas Begin With a Bang (2001) 45.00
877441 May Your Christmas Begin With a Bang Ornament (2001) 28.00
104203 May Your Holidays Sparkle With Joy Ornament (2002) 25.00
112876 May the Holidays Keep You Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed (2003) 25.00
117786 Our First Christmas Together (2004) 37.50
117790 Bea-ver-y Good This Year (Beaver 2004) 30.00
4024082 The Purr-fect Gift (Kitten 2005) 27.00
610001 Ringing In the Season (2006) 45.00
610002 Ringing in the Season Ornament (2006) 26.00
610005 Baby’s First Christmas Girl (2006) 26.00
610006 Baby’s First Christmas Boy (2006) 26.00
610007 Wishing Ewe a Sweet Christmas (Lamb 2006) 26.00
710001 Dancing For Joy on Christmas Morning (2007) 45.00
710004 Our First Christmas Together (2007) 33.00
710007 Jump For Joy on Christmas Morning (Bunny 2007) 26.00
810002 Blessings of Peace to You Ornament (2008) 22.00
810005 Baby’s First Christmas Girl (2008) 22.00
810006 Baby’s First Christmas Boy (2008) 22.00
810007 Peace Be Within You (Lion 2008) 22.00
910001 May Your Faith Light the Way (2009) 47.50
910007 May Peace, Hope and Love Shine Throughout the Year (Cardinal 2009) 30.00
101001 My Hope is in You (2010) 44.00
101007 Snow Day Like a Holiday (Bear 2010) 27.50

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