Green and friendly in nature, the Pocket Dragons line was launched  in 1989.  Though primarily whimsical dragon figurines, the collection evolved to include other forms such as plates, mugs, ornaments and lidded boxes.  These lovable creatures even inspired an animated television series in 1998 called Pocket Dragon Adventures.

Early dragon figurines were made in England under the Lilliput Lane Land of Legend brand. In 1990 Lilliput Lane and Land of Legend became separate companies, Land of Legend later being renamed Collectible World Studios. Though all moulds and masters continued to be crafted in England, actual production of Pocket Dragon figurines shifted to China in the 1990s.  Real and Muff Musgrave still maintained creative control, designing and sculpting each new dragon.

Though the Pocket Dragon collection finished with Real and Muff Musgrave retiring at the end of 2006 after many years of creating these cheery little dragons, collectors are still on the hunt. Browse through our list to see if we can help you too.  Just under 20 different pieces are available at original Canadian retail pricing, complete with packaging.


Chocolate Strawberry Avalanche

Computer Wizard
Dance Partner
Happy Mother’s Day
Elementary My Dear

I Ate the Whole Thing
I Ate the Whole Thing
Raiding the Cookie Jar

Seaside Castle
The Ringmaster
Toy Box
Winged Messenger



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