Happy National Waffle Day

 In Announcements

It’s National Waffle Day! How creative do you like to be with your waffles? Do you make blueberry, strawberry, banana chocolate chip? Or do you stick with the tried and true basic waffle recipe every time?

The batter isn’t the only stage waffles can be dressed up. A plain waffle can get its pizzazz from toppings too. Banana jam, coconut, mango, pineapple… we have all these flavours and more in our gourmet food section. Both Marie Sharp and Gigi make fantastic jam flavours that are a bit more out of the ordinary.  Jam is a different way to bring zest to a plate of waffles. But for those of us who prefer a classic taste, maple syrup is always a great way to fill up all the little pockets of a fresh made waffle.

Whichever option you choose, we have you covered.

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